Building a Supplement Company From Scratch - May 2024 Update
Come watch me make a lot of money or light it all on fire.
The first step to escaping the rat race is making your first $1,000 online.
The best way to accomplish this as a beginner is with a simple Amazon business.
It worked for me 10 years ago and it’s what I would do if I had to start over from scratch today.
You can try to figure out how to do that out on your own or you can join my private mentorship group here:
Choice is yours.
The Introvert Entrepreneur is a documentation of multiple online businesses that I own and operate.
While most posts are related to selling on Amazon and LEGO investing, a few each month focus on my other ventures.
This is one of those posts.
Last month I mentioned two specific problems I had run into during the formulation process of this new supplement I’m creating: