“Why Not Me? by Jarrylew” is an e-commerce and investment newsletter that focuses around the idea of using efficient income to become self-employed and financially free.
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Take a look around you and observe what the average person does on a daily basis.
Here is the list I come up with when I do this myself:
Wakes up to an alarm, annoyed that it’s already time to start the day
Eats something with a ton of sugar in it
Commutes to a job, sits in some traffic, and arrives to work already counting how many days are left until Friday
Drinks coffee with sugar in it
Gets told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it for 8 hours
Hope that their vacation gets approved and some random person gives them a raise
Goes home and continues to overeat, while consuming some form of alcohol
Binge drinks all weekend long while joking about how they hate their job
Repeat, repeat, repeat
This is the average American life, from my perspective.
Am I playing it up a little bit so it pulls on your heartstrings a little bit? Of course I am.
My point isn’t wrong though, most people live a life similar to what I’ve described.
Simply put, that list is the textbook way to NEVER accomplish anything you’ve ever dreamed of.
People live this life for many reasons, the main ones being:
When you’ve racked up financial liabilities, bills must be paid. This leaves you stuck at a job you hate, which is draining.
This is the lie you were sold in school. Go to school and get a job they said, while still acting like the internet doesn’t exist.
Everyone else is doing it, so it must be the best way… right?
The trick to escaping this lifestyle and/or building your dream life is straightforward:
Do what other people AREN’T doing.
I’ll show you what I mean while I break down a recent Twitter thread of mine:

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I’m not saying that no one should work a 9-5 job. What I am saying is, you are making things REALLY hard on yourself if you ignore the internet as an income source.
Where are the best forms of entertainment in 2022? That’s right, online.
So why not use it to make money too? This is a no brainer, yet no one does it.
Make it make sense!
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This is a piggyback on #1. You won’t know where to start if you don’t educate yourself first.
Spend weeks on YouTube, Twitter, Substack, Reddit, and more.
As a beginner, it is best to start with things that have worked for others. Once you build a skillset, then you can venture into uncharted waters.
This is why I recommend my book flipping business to people so often. It works, has always worked, and will always work.
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You have to pay yourself first. If you aren’t in a position to invest at least a quarter of your income, you need to get that income UP.
If you are in debt (outside of a low fixed rate debt), that takes priority over investing. Get rid of it ASAP!
Instead of being someone else’s passive income (you paying interest), buy things that pay you interest.
Want to see what I invest in? Become a paid member of the substack so you can read posts like this one:
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I’ve spent almost every weekend for the last ten years building my dream life and I don’t regret a single one of them.
I haven’t drank alcohol roughly five years.
Some call this sacrifice, while in reality those weekends spent “relaxing” are the real sacrifice.
They waste a ton of useful time where you could be learning that one new thing that helps you become financially free.
I’m not saying that relaxing is bad, but relax tactically rather than aimlessly.
I’m also not saying that being sober is a requirement, but it sure helped me.
That’s a choice for you to make.
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I grew up in a poor household. As a child, the number one food luxury was fast food.
My favorite thing in the whole world as a child was McDonald’s.
Guess what? I still eat McDonald’s once or twice per month.
The poor kid in me can’t help it and I’m not ashamed of it.
What do I eat the rest of the time? A protein rich diet.
You can have the bad stuff, just keep it moderate. Most people don’t do this and that’s why obesity has never been a bigger issue.
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If the gym isn’t for you, find something you enjoy doing that is at least some form of exercise.
Make sure you get a little bit in every single day.
Go for a walk, ride a bike, swim. Just do something!
The benefit you’ll receive is more mental than it is physical. Trust me.
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No one will come and fix things for you. Either you do it or no one does.
If something isn’t your fault, you are better off acting like it is.
This isn’t easy, but nothing worth doing is easy.
Had I just done what everyone else does, I wouldn’t be here writing this.
I owe everything I’ve accomplished to doing what other people AREN’T doing.
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I agree with decreasing the amount of alcohol you have. I’ve noticed that whenever I’m struggling with something and trying to figure out how to solve it a lot of friends tend to invite me out for drinks. I can see they are doing it with good intention, to get me to relax but drinking, for me, is just a form of ignoring my problems. Im not advocating for an alcohol free life but I do believe that drowning your consciousness in alcohol every single weekend may suggest you’re avoiding to face certain things.