"Not Everyone Can Be An Entrepreneur" Is a Terrible Excuse
Here are my thoughts on the worst excuse of all time.
“Why Not Me? by Jarrylew” is an e-commerce and investment newsletter that focuses around the idea of using efficient income to become self-employed and financially free.
Nothing like this exists on the internet and you’re guaranteed to learn something new by subscribing.
As a content creator that harps on the idea of creating multiple streams of income via the internet, I’m met with countless “excuses” for why others can’t do the same.
The purpose of my content is to show what is possible with the greatest amount of transparency possible.
It is meant to highlight that the only thing separating those who succeed and those who don’t, is years of relentless effort.
Yet, I constantly hear the same line over and over:
“Not everyone can be an Entrepreneur”
I’m going to break down why this is the worst excuse of all time.
1. Not Everyone Wants To Be One
This hypothetical world that people manufacture where all the sudden every human on earth tries to become an Entrepreneur, is laughable.
It’s hilarious to even consider.
My argument has never been that everyone should be one. Instead, I will always argue that more people can become one if they want to.
Alternatively, there is plenty of room for people to run a side hustle alongside their full-time job if they want to.
2. The Only People Who Say This, Have Never Tried
Trust me when I say that there isn’t a single soul on this earth that would say such a thing after giving Entrepreneurship a shot.
The only people who say this type of stuff are people looking for a way to escape the responsibility of giving it a fair chance.
People who have tried will end up saying one of two things:
“Entrepreneurship is hard and just isn’t for me”
“I thought I wasn’t capable, but I am. All I had to do was try.”
Excuses make people feel less guilty about not trying what they desire most.
3. My Content Is For Those Who WANT It, But Are Directionless
My content is not for doctors, engineers, and pilots who want nothing more than to do their job and go home happy.
It is for the person who goes to their job and feels sick to their stomach because they know they were meant for a different lifestyle.
I was that person as a student and as an engineer.
Chances are you feel somewhat similar if you have made it to my Substack and are reading this post.
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