TIE #017: The One Trait ALL Successful One-Person Business Owners Share
If you don't have this, it's going to be more difficult than it needs to be.
Apparently you hate money. If you didn’t, you’d be using Rakuten every time you shop on websites like Walmart and Target to save money.
They have paid me over $8,000 for things I was already going to buy for my one-person business (click here for proof).
They are also the reason this post is free to read. Sign up here and get $30 for free after your first use.
There are a million reasons why people decide to venture outside of the 9-5 job grind and try something different.
I’ve heard all of these:
“My friend is doing it, so I want to too”
“I saw an ad on Instagram about how easy it is to make $5,000/month dropshipping”
“My passion is making *fill in the blank*, I’m going to try to sell them”
“Not having a boss and waking up whenever I want sounds so cool”
While I will never discourage anyone trying to escape the rat race, these reasons suck.
Read each one again and you will find that they all stem from temporary and shallow feelings with no real depth.
If any of those are one your reasons, you will give up at the first hurdle you face.
None of them come from deep-rooted desire, which is something all successful business owners have.

If you start your online business journey because you grew up in a family that was flat broke (like I did) and never want to return to that life, giving up isn’t an option.
There is no such thing as “I don’t feel like it today” when your worst fear is going back to being dirt poor.
Not everyone has the luxury (ironic, I know) of growing up poor though. So what should your reason be if you didn’t?
Do this:
Take a step back and look at your current lifestyle
Then, ask yourself “What do I hate most about it?”
Not minor inconveniences, I’m talking real hatred.
My list looked like this 5-10 years ago:
I hate having to set an alarm, it doesn’t feel natural
I hate being told what to do
I hate having to do things I don’t want to do
I hate that another human decides my pay
I hate commuting to work
I hate that it will take me 40+ years to retire
Every day I walked into work, I felt sick to my stomach. That type of hatred.
Your list will look different.
When you use the things from your list as fuel, you will do anything to avoid dealing with them any longer than you have to.

All of what I just told you is meaningless though if you don’t start.
There will never be a “perfect” time to start. You will never feel ready.
You just have to get fed up with your current situation and be willing to do anything to change it.
Put simply… how bad do you really want it?
When you are ready, there are two different ways I can help you:
If you are interested in starting an efficient one-person online business, I recommend starting with one of the following:
Textbook Flipping Mastery - My in-depth guide on how to start a high-margin Amazon e-commerce business.
LEGO Investing Mastery - My in-depth guide on how to start a long-term “buy, hold, and sell” LEGO investing business.
The Conference Room - My private mentorship community that includes the two guides above, for free. Pay once and stay a member for life.
If you are interested following along with my personal LEGO investment portfolio and unlocking access to 4 additional posts each month:
Become a paid subscriber here (7-day free trial available)