TIE #075: How to Make $12,833 in a Single Month with a Newsletter
September financial results for the Introvert Entrepreneur newsletter
Your first step to escaping the rat race is making your first $1,000 online.
The best way to accomplish this as a beginner is with a simple Amazon business where you sell other people’s products.
It worked for me 10 years ago and it’s what I would do if I had to start over from scratch today.
You can try to figure that out on your own or you can become a paid subscriber and receive free access to my private mentorship group on Discord:
Upon joining, you will get full access to all my premium guides and content listed at the end of this post.
Choice is yours.
Welcome to the monthly performance update for this newsletter where we see how much money it makes over a single month.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I love sharing how much profit my different businesses make.
Actually, that’s a lie.
I love it when other people share how much profit their businesses make but hardly anyone does.
So I said: “Fine, I’ll do it myself”
What you are reading today (and on several other occasions every month) is the result.
Let’s take a look at what the newsletter did in September:
Total subscribers gained: 3,930
As you can see, something incredible happened in September.
We gained nearly 4,000 subscribers thanks to a single viral video on TikTok.
Usually my viral videos are unrelated to just about everything I write about here, but this time was different.
I happened to weave in LEGO investing and I’m glad I did.
We started the month at 18,860 subscribers and ended it with 22,790.
Next up, paid subscribers:
Paid subscribers gained: 79
Alongside the massive growth in regular subscribers came a giant bump in paid subscribers.
I’ve never experienced anything like this before.
It blows my mind that all of this came from a single video, on a single platform.
The same video did not go viral on Instagram.
Next we have traffic:
Total Views: 210,070 (+99,568 vs. August)
As you’d expect, we saw a massive increase in views on posts in September alongside all that crazy subscriber growth.
I also published three LEGO Buy Alerts, which was always going to generate an extra ~30,000 views.
Safe to say it was a great month for the newsletter.
Here are the traffic sources:
As you can see, a bulk of the subscriptions were from TikTok.
You can hate the platform all you want, but it is the best way to get attention to whatever it is you’re working on.
Outside of that, it was looking like a routine month with a few paid subscribers from almost every platform shown here.
Lastly, here is how much money the newsletter made in September:
Total Profit: $12,833.47 (+$4,734.21 vs. August)
I find it hilarious that we were just talking last month about how the newsletter had a sizeable dip in readership and total profit.
Then September comes along and knocks all of that out of the park.
Thankfully, the performance of this newsletter does not have an impact on the content I produce or how I operate it.
As long as I have one paying subscriber, I will continue to publish posts every month.
Is it nice to see people find value in what I write? Of course it is.
But I am agnostic to whatever happens on the backend.
The only tinkering I will do is keep my paid subscriber list from getting too big.
Exclusivity is a must.
Thanks for being here and thanks for supporting my work.
When you are ready, there is one way I can help you.
Join 700+ people in becoming a paid subscriber to this newsletter:
By paying the $39/month or $349/year rate, you get FREE access to:
My private mentorship group for Amazon business owners (this used to be $329)
My LEGO Investing Mastery Guide (this used to be $169)
My Textbook Flipping Mastery Guide (this used to be $169)
Buy/Sell alerts for LEGO (these will make you money)
Thanks that was it!
Maybe you can help me confirm my subscription to your newsletter. I show paid for the last 2 months but the emails I am receiving from you ask me to upgrade to paid?