How I Made $11,815.84 With Digital Products and Consulting in March 2024
If a poor kid like me can do this, anyone can do this.
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After an awesome February that brought in over $30,000 in profit from digital products and consulting, it is time to take a look at how we did in March.
This series was one suggested by paid subscribers of this newsletter and one I intend to publish for many years to come.
My digital product sales and consulting partnerships are not a primary focus of mine
I simply offer them for those who want them and take whatever business naturally flows my way.
I do not strategize ways to increase revenue or anything like that.
I simply document my businesses and help people start their own should they want my help.
Simple as that.
Let’s start with digital product revenue:
Total Digital Product Profit: $6,815.84
$1,200 less than February, but like I said I don’t really care.
(April is on pace for much lower because I didn’t realize I had a bunch of broken links in my newsletter posts over the last 1-2 weeks)
Now, we have consulting:
Total Consulting Profit: $5,000.00
Total Combined Profit: $11,815.84
Like I mentioned last month, I wasn’t going to be adding many more consulting clients.
In March we added two.
Total Digital Product & Consulting Profit for 2024: $60,741.35
I hope I’ve made clear how valuable it can be to document a business and then help people when they offer to pay you to teach them how to do the same thing.
I am not some genius.
I’m just a regular dude who grew up poor that doesn’t like how 9-5 jobs steal our time away from the people we love most.
That hatred for the system we are all pushed into pushed me to search for an alternative when the internet was a wildly different place.
There were no newsletters like this or YouTube videos out there to teach me.
I failed repetitively until I found things that worked.
Now I show people what works for me (and what will work for you) by documenting it all here in this newsletter.
If you are here for entertainment alone, you’re in the right place.
If you are here because you find value in the information I publish for paid subscribers, you’re in the right place.
If you are here because you think I can help you start your own one-person business, you’re in the right place.
Have a question? Leave it below and I’ll get to it ASAP.
When you are ready, there is one way I can help you:
The Conference Room: Join 700+ members inside my private mentorship group. It teaches you exactly how to build an efficient, lean, and focused Amazon FBA business.
Come inside and receive help from myself, several expert business owners, and get access to both of my premium video guides.