If you have a 9-5 job, you’re being scammed.

That’s right, I said it.

You are being robbed of your time and get a tiny paycheck as if it’s fair compensation in return.

Spoiler alert: it isn’t

As an employee you’re one of two types:

  1. The poorly paid indentured servant

  2. The slightly higher paid in-debt servant (if you went to college)

Both of these paths will have you spending 40-50 hours/week away from the people you love most for almost all of your adult life.

Is that really how you want to live?

What if I told you there is a third option…

No, I'm not about to pitch you a get-rich quick scheme.

I'm talking about the exact one-person business model I used to escape the rat race and buy my freedom back (almost 5 years ago now).

The green line looks a whole lot better than the other three doesn’t it?

(I didn’t make this cool graph, I stole it and added the green line)


About me:

I spent the last decade building multiple e-commerce businesses and working as an Aerospace Engineer.

In 2020, I quit that job and sold one of my businesses.

Now, I write this newsletter and continue to operate the rest.

I don’t have any employees (never have) and pride myself on operating as a one-man show.


My one-person business model features a bunch of mini-businesses that all compliment and depend on each other.

At the core are product based businesses like:

  1. A foundational high-margin Amazon FBA business

  2. A LEGO investment business (yes, the toy)

One step up from those is:

  1. 1:1 private consulting

And above all of those is a content business that documents the operation and results of all of the aforementioned mini-businesses using:

  1. This newsletter

  2. Social media (X, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube)

Some of those focus on short-term profit, while others focus on long-term capital growth and preservation.

There a million different business models, this is just the one I found works best for beginners.

And trust me… I’ve tried everything.

Here are some results from people who started from nothing and used what I write about here to create their own product based business:


There are two things you should do immediately if what you have read so far sounds interesting:

First, read the 3 posts below that outline my one-person business blueprint:


Then, consider diving ALL the way in by becoming a paid subscriber of this newsletter

In doing so, you get access to:

  • My private mentorship group on Discord (this used to be $329)

  • My LEGO Investing Mastery Guide (this used to be $169)

  • My Textbook Flipping Mastery Guide (this used to be $169)

  • Buy/Sell alerts for LEGO (these will make you money)

These resources will show you how make your first $1,000 on the internet using the same methods I used to escape the rat race.

Join Now



This post is not financial or investment advice.

While I will always vouch for the content I publish and the ideas I teach, there are limits to what I’m legally allowed to encourage without putting myself in harms way.

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The Introvert Entrepreneur | I've helped over 100 people hit $10,000+/month with my one-person business model.